Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Flash CS3 - CS5 issues - No Valid HTML Templates are available to complete this operation

It sounds like the user configuration is bad.  Please try removing the user configuration folder.  Please note that after deleting the user configuration, there are user  settings, such as panel position and saved jsapi commands, will be removed or reset so you might want to save the important files you want to reserve in user configuration before removing the  user configuration folder.

1. Quit Flash.
2. Delete the following folder:
Win 7 and Vista: HD:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Adobe\Flash CS5

Win XP: HD:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application  Data\Adobe\Flash CS5

Mac: HD:/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/\Adobe\Flash CS5

3. Relaunch Flash and see if it fixes the problem.

Monday, March 19, 2012

A Simple jQuery Slideshow

In the interest of following jQuery’s motto of “writing less and doing more,” let’s write a simple slideshow using jQuery, JavaScript and a bit of CSS.

For starters, our main goal should be keeping the markup as clean as possible:

<div id="slideshow">
    <img src="img/img1.jpg" alt="" class="active" />
    <img src="img/img2.jpg" alt="" />
    <img src="img/img3.jpg" alt="" />
Now let’s use CSS to position the images on top of each other and bring the active image to the top level with z-index:

#slideshow {

#slideshow IMG {

#slideshow {

#slideshow IMG.last-active {
Due to absolute positioning, we need to define the height of the slideshow DIV. Also, notice that we defined three different z-indexes—we will manipulate these soon using jQuery.
For the slideshow animation we are going to switch between each photo at a set rate. So let’s start by writing a function that brings in a new photo on top of the last active image:

function slideSwitch() {
    var $active = $('#slideshow');
    var $next = $;    



$(function() {
    setInterval( "slideSwitch()", 5000 );
Here we set a JavaScript interval to call slideSwitch() every 5 seconds. Then slideSwitch() applies the CSS class ‘active’ to bring the next image to the top of the stack. Since we will select the images more than once within slideSwitch(), we define the variables $active and $next for selector performance.
Next we should incorporate a fade animation. For a gallery like this, fade in and fade out are identical, but let’s not forget to think about what we fade against:

function slideSwitch() {
    var $active = $('#slideshow');
    var $next = $;


    $next.css({opacity: 0.0})
        .animate({opacity: 1.0}, 1000, function() {
            $active.removeClass('active last-active');

$(function() {
    setInterval( "slideSwitch()", 5000 );
We start by applying the ‘last-active’ class we defined earlier. Since ‘.last-active’ falls after ‘.active’ in the stylesheet, the z-index of 9 takes priority, and the top image drops back a level. Next, we set the opacity of the new image to 0 so that we can fade it in using the animate() function. Finally, we attach a callback to remove the z-index classes from the previous image when animate() completes.
Although our slideshow is working well, we should make it more robust by building in some default variables. First, let’s define a default active image, in case we need to put less stress on the back-end. Also, we can use defaults to make the gallery animation loop.

function slideSwitch() {
    var $active = $('#slideshow');

    if ( $active.length == 0 ) $active = $('#slideshow IMG:last');

    var $next =  $ ? $
        : $('#slideshow IMG:first');


    $next.css({opacity: 0.0})
        .animate({opacity: 1.0}, 1000, function() {
            $active.removeClass('active last-active');

$(function() {
    setInterval( "slideSwitch()", 5000 );
We first define a default image for the $active variable, which interestingly enough needs to be the last image on the stack. This is because through absolute positioning, the last image appears on top, and we need to start with it if we want to avoid any flicker.
For the loop it is pretty simple: all we have to do is point the $next variable to the first image once it has gotten to the end of the line.
If you want to improve this function, try setting the animation speed with a variable so the main slideshow function can be thrown into the core and left alone. Also, this slideshow is easily converted to support DIV’s instead of IMG’s—try programming a slideshow with more content.
Now for a challenge: the gallery flickers when the images first load, but it can be fixed without touching the JS or markup at all. Bonus points to whoever figures it out and posts a comment.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Building an Animated Cartoon Robot with jQuery


Aside from being a fun exercise, what purpose does something like this have? None that's plainly obvious. Its about as useful as a miniature ship in a bottle. Yet it does have an underlying purpose. It could inspire someone to look beyond the perceived constraints of web designers and developers.


This project was created by layering several empty divs over each other with transparent PNGs as background images.

The backgrounds were animated at different speeds using a jQuery plug-in by Alexander Farkas. This effect simulates a faux 3-D animated background dubbed the “parallax effect” originating from old-school side scrolling video games.

The robot is comprised similarly to the background animation scene by layering several DIVs together to create the different robot pieces. The final step, was animating the robot with some jQuery.

The Markup

<div id="wrapper">

  <div id="cloud-01">
  <div id="cloud-02">
  <div id="mountains-03">
  <div id="ground">

  <div id="full-robot">
    <div id="branding"><h1>Robot Head.</h1></div>
    <div id="content"><p> Robot Chest.</p></div>
    <div id="sec-content"><p> Robot Pelvis.</p></div>
    <div id="footer"><p> Robot Legs.</p></div>


The structure of the divs closely resembles our diagram. None of the DIVs has the width attribute specified so they will expand to fill the size of any browser window they are displayed on. NOTE: All the images that make the background scenery parallax effect are 9999px wide. Well beyond the width of any computer display or television in common use. We’ll use CSS to place the background images exactly where we want within each particular div.

The Style

The CSS for this project is just as simple as the markup.

h1, p { position: absolute; left: -9999px; }

div {position: relative;}

#wrapper { background: #bedfe4 url(../images/sun.png) no-repeat left -30px; border: 5px solid #402309;}

#cloud-01 { background: url(../images/clouds-01.png) no-repeat left -100px; }                                                         

#cloud-02 { background: url(../images/clouds-02.png) no-repeat left top; }

#mountains-03 { background: url(../images/mountain-03.png) no-repeat left bottom; }

#ground { background: url(../images/ground-05.png) no-repeat left bottom; }

#full-robot { width: 271px; }

#branding {
background: url(../images/robot-head.png) no-repeat center top;
width: 271px;
height: 253px;
z-index: 4;

#content {
background: url(../images/robot-torso.png) no-repeat center top;
width: 271px;
height: 164px;
z-index: 3;
margin-top: -65px;

#sec-content {
background: url(../images/robot-hips.png) no-repeat center top;
width: 271px;
height: 124px;
z-index: 2;
margin-top: -90px;

#footer {
background: url('../images/robot-legs.png') no-repeat center top;
width: 271px;
height: 244px;
z-index: 1;
margin-top: -90px;
Absolute positioning is used to pull any header or paragraph text 9999px to the left of the screen. Then we declare every DIV in the page position: relative. By making all the DIVs position: relative;, we now have the ability to the use the z-index property to reverse the natural stacking order of the robot DIVs.

The jQuery JavaScript

Disclaimer: The original script to animate the robot was horrid. The good folks at coding cyborg were kind enough to clean it up and re-write it.

$('#cloud-01').css({backgroundPosition: '0 -80px'});
$('#cloud-02').css({backgroundPosition: '0 -30px'});
$('#mountains-03').css({backgroundPosition: '0 50px'});
$('#trees-04').css({backgroundPosition: '0 50px'});
$('#ground').css({backgroundPosition: 'left bottom'});
$('#branding').css({backgroundPosition: 'center 0'});
$('#content').css({backgroundPosition: 'center 0'});
$('#sec-content').css({backgroundPosition: 'center 0'});
$('#footer').css({backgroundPosition: 'center 0'});
$('#wrapper').css({overflow: "hidden"});

$('#cloud-01').animate({backgroundPosition: '(-500px -80px)'}, 20000);
$('#cloud-02').animate({backgroundPosition: '(-625px -30px)'}, 20000);
$('#mountains-03').animate({backgroundPosition: '(-2500px 50px)'}, 20000);
$('#ground').animate({backgroundPosition: '(-5000px bottom)'}, 20000);


$("#full-robot").animate({left:"50%",marginLeft:"-150px"}, 2000);


var num = 1;

function startHim(){
} else {

function bounceHim(){

function leaveScreen(){
$("#full-robot").animate({left:"100%",marginLeft:"0px"}, 2000);
We begin by re-affirming the original background position of all the images.

Upon clicking the ‘#klicker’ div, a function tells jQuery to animate the backgrounds from their current position all the way to the coordinates specified for each div. By separating all the different image layers into different DIVs we can animate the background elements at different speeds. Moving the elements at different speeds gives an illusion of a 3rd dimension. We move the elements in the background at a much slower rate than the elements in the foreground. Notice on this animation that the speed of the clouds in the background is slower than the speed of the mountains. And the mountains are slower than the ground which is the fastest of all. Finally after firing off all these commands to get the background moving the ‘#klicker’ function calls on the ‘startHim()’ function.

The ‘startHim()’ function, you guessed it right, starts our robot. It begins his little bounce and gets him moving to the center of the #wrapper div. The ‘startHim()’ function calls on the ‘bounceHim()’ function. And then it keeps looping.

We need to make the robot seem like it was bouncing on a rough desert rode. To achieve that bouncy irregular effect we’ll use the ‘bounceHim()’ function. It targets the separate robot DIVs and ‘bounces’ them 5px up and then 5px down. That wont be enough though, all the different pieces of the robot bouncing at the same rate looks too stiff. We need to make it look a bit more random and interesting. So we’ll take the div that makes the chest portion of the robot and move it at a different rate than the head and pelvis pieces. We’ll ‘bounce’ the chest part at 8px up and 8px down. This gives the robot a nice off-beat bouncy effect.

The ‘leaveScreen()’ function is the last function called. After 15 seconds (15000) it moves the robot 100% percent to the left of the screen which consequently moves the robot off to the right of the screen.

jQuery Common Accordion - Horizontal & Vertical

jQuery Accordion Features
• Works as vertical accordion and horizontal accordion.
• it can be auto slide.
• You can set a default panel.
• You can set your own mouse events.
• It can be nested.
• Its just 4kb without any compression.
• Its free! :)
How this jQuery Accordion works?
You'll need to keep your html code as same. Just treat your code as an xml file.

jQuery Accordion Horizontal

Download Files

Create a Realistic Hover Effect With jQuery

For one of the projects I’m currently working on with Rareview, we wanted to add a rising hover effect to a set of icon links. Using jQuery’s animate effect, I experimented with icons that have reflections and others with shadows. Here is a demo with two examples:

The HTML and CSS are both straightforward and have a structure and style common to many web navigations and menus (for the sake of post length, I’m not including HTML/CSS code examples here but you are free to snoop around in the demo or view the files in the download below).

In a nutshell, the JS appends the reflection/shadow to each <li>, then animates the position and opacity of these elements and the icon links on hover. I’ve added .stop() to eliminate any queue buildup from quickly mousing back and forth over the navigation.

 Begin jQuery

$(document).ready(function() {

/* =Reflection Nav
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    // Append span to each LI to add reflection

    $("#nav-reflection li").append("");

    // Animate buttons, move reflection and fade

    $("#nav-reflection a").hover(function() {
        $(this).stop().animate({ marginTop: "-10px" }, 200);
        $(this).parent().find("span").stop().animate({ marginTop: "18px", opacity: 0.25 }, 200);
        $(this).stop().animate({ marginTop: "0px" }, 300);
        $(this).parent().find("span").stop().animate({ marginTop: "1px", opacity: 1 }, 300);

/* =Shadow Nav
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    // Append shadow image to each LI

    $("#nav-shadow li").append('<img class="shadow" src="images/icons-shadow.jpg" alt="" width="81" height="27" />');

    // Animate buttons, shrink and fade shadow

    $("#nav-shadow li").hover(function() {
    var e = this;
        $(e).find("a").stop().animate({ marginTop: "-14px" }, 250, function() {
        $(e).find("a").animate({ marginTop: "-10px" }, 250);
        $(e).find("img.shadow").stop().animate({ width: "80%", height: "20px", marginLeft: "8px", opacity: 0.25 }, 250);
    var e = this;
        $(e).find("a").stop().animate({ marginTop: "4px" }, 250, function() {
        $(e).find("a").animate({ marginTop: "0px" }, 250);
        $(e).find("img.shadow").stop().animate({ width: "100%", height: "27px", marginLeft: "0px", opacity: 1 }, 250);

// End jQuery


Please note, for the purposes of this quick demo, I did not bother including support for IE6.

View Demo or Download

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Rock in sajdah position


The Final signs of Qiyamah

The ground will cave in: one in the east, one in the west, and one in Hejaz, Saudi Arabia.

Fog or smoke will cover the skies for forty days. The non-believers will fall unconscious, while Muslims will be ill (develop colds). The skies will then clear up.

A night three nights long will follow the fog. It will occur in the month of Dhul-Hajj after Eid al-Adha, and cause much restlessness among the people.

After the night of three nights, the following morning the sun will rise in the west. People's repentance will not be accepted after this incident.

One day later, the Beast from the earth will miraculously emerge from Mount Safaa in Makkah, causing a split in the ground. The beast will be able to talk to people and mark the faces of people, making the believers' faces glitter, and the non-believers' faces darkened.

A breeze from the south causes sores in the armpits of Muslims, which they will die of as a result.

The Ka'bah will be destroyed by non-Muslim African group. Kufr will be rampant. Hajj will be discontinued. The Qur'an will be lifted from the heart of the people, 30 years after the ruler Muquad's death.

The fire will follow people to Syria, after which it will stop.

Some years after the fire, Qiyamah begins with the Soor (trumpet) being blown. The year is not known to any person. Qiyamah will come upon the worst of creation.

Qiyamah will come when...

Hadhrat Abu Musa Ash'ari (R.A.) narrates that Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alayhii Wassallam) said, "Qiyamah will come...

When it will be regarded as a shame to act on Quranic injunctions.

When untrustworthy people will be regarded as trustworthy and the trustworthy will be regarded as untrustworthy.

When it will be hot in winter.

When the length of days is stretched, i.e. a journey of a few days is covered in a matter of hours.

When orators and lecturers lie openly.

When people dispute over petty issues.

When women with children come displeased on account of them bearing offspring, and barren women remain happy on account of having no responsibility of offspring.

When oppression, jealousy, and greed become the order of the day.

When people blatantly follow their passions and whims.

When lies prevail over the truth.

When violence, bloodshed and anarchy become common.

When immorality overtakes shamelessness and is perpetrated publicly.

When legislation matters pertaining to Deen is handed over to the worst elements of the Ummat, and if people accept them and are satisfied with their findings, then such persons will not smell the fragrance of Jannat.

When the offspring become a cause of grief and anger (for their parents).

This life is not our Real Life

Death in a Virtuous State

Up to this point, we have seen that sincere believers live a good life in this world, are not overcome with fear or pessimism, and have a healthy and comfortable spiritual life. Since those who believe seek Allah's pleasure, we learn from the Qur'an that they have won His special assistance, support, and protection; their misdeeds will be removed from them and that they will be rewarded according to the best of what they did; and they will not be wronged. Since they "purchase" the next life in exchange for this life, they have made what the Qur'an calls a "good bargain." Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him.

But what will happen to them at the end of their lives? Where and when will Allah meet them at the hour He has appointed for their death? Neither believers nor unbelievers know where and when they will die. This fact is explained in Surah Luqman in these words:

Truly Allah has knowledge of the Hour, sends down abundant rain, and knows what is in the womb. And no self knows what it will earn tomorrow, and no self knows in what land it will die. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (Surah Luqman, 34)

Together with this, the Qur'an informs us how death will come to believers, how their souls will be taken, and what will happen at the moment of death. As far as we know, believers experience death as a very gentle passage, like a momentary change in dimension. Just like the person whom Allah causes to be "as dead during his sleep" (Surat az-Zumar, 42) and wakes up the next morning to a new day, when believers die, they will be taken out of the worldly dimension and pass to the next dimension (Certainly Allah knows the truth.)

Allah announced this gentle and easy passage in Surat an-Nazi'at, 2, where He points to the appointed angels and says "those who draw out gently."

Another verse tells about the angels' conversation when they come to take a believer's soul:

Those the angels take in a virtuous state. They say: "Peace be upon you! Enter Paradise for what you did." (Surat an-Nahl, 32)

The following verse describes a believer's death:

The greatest terror will not upset them, and the angels will welcome them: "This is your Day, the one that you were promised." (Surat an-Anbiya', 103)

Clearly, believers who have led a good life in this world will have a beautiful and easy death, and their life in the next world will begin when they are met by angels. From that moment on, all of their relations with this world will cease, and they will be sent to an appointed place where they will come before Allah's Presence. As it was from the beginning, so it continues: comfort and ease await all believers.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Background Image Change on every 5sec using Jquery

In this article, will show you how to change background image on some period of time . So here is the tutorial to apply this kind of effect to your web project. You can achieve it in few lines of jquery. Use it and make  your website more beautiful.

CSS Code

<style type=”text/css”>
div.background {
div.background img {
list-style: none;
div.background ul {
div.background {    position:absolute;    left:0px;    top:0px;    z-index:-1;}div.background img {    position:fixed;    list-style: none;    left:0px;    top:0px;}div.background ul {    z-index:500}

Javascript Code

Below is the jquery code used to change background image.In this i have set for 5sec. To change sec you have to change setInterval(‘change()’,5000);

<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
function thebackground() {
$(‘div.background img’).css({opacity: 0.0});
$(‘div.background img:first’).css({opacity: 1.0});
function change() {
var current = ($(‘div.background’)? $(‘div.background’) : $(‘div.background img:first’));
if ( current.length == 0 ) current = $(‘div.background img:first’);
var next = (( ? ((‘show’)) ? $(‘div.background img:first’) : $(‘div.background img:first’));
next.css({opacity: 0.0})
.animate({opacity: 1.0}, 1000);
current.animate({opacity: 0.0}, 1000)
$(document).ready(function() {
$(‘div.background’).fadeIn(1000); // works for all the browsers other than IE
$(‘div.background img’).fadeIn(1000); // IE tweak


Below is the html code here you can see that all  images are inside one  div with the class name of  background.Here i have used three  images, you can add images  as much you want.

<div class=”background”><img src=”millenniumBridge.jpg” width=”1400″ height=”819″ alt=”pic1″ /><img src=”bg_trinity.jpg” width=”1401″ height=”934″ alt=”pic2″ /><img src=”bg_clare_college.jpg” width=”1400″ height=”934″ alt=”pic3″ /></div>

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Islamic Unity

Allah says in The Noble Qur'an: "The Believers are but a single Brotherhood." [Al-Hujurat 49:10]
The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said, "The Muslims are like a body, if one part of the body hurts, rest of the body will also suffer."
The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said, "Believers are brethren, their lives are equal to each other and they are as one hand against their enemy."
The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said, "It is not permissible for two Muslims to be annoyed and angry for more that three days."
The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said, "When Muslims are angry with each other for three days. If they do not compromise then they go away from the limits of Islam and the one who compromise first will enter Jannah (Paradise) earlier."
The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said, "A faithful believer to a faithful believer is like the bricks of a wall, enforcing each other." While (saying that) the Prophet clasped his hands, by interlacing his fingers.

H.Prophet (s.a.w) Say’s: “You cannot treat people by means of your wealth; hence, you should treat them by means of your moral conduct”

Do You Want Allah (SWT) to Love You? Then develop the following qualities!Do You Want Allah (SWT) to Love You?

Allah loves Muhsineen (Good Doers)
Allah loves Tawwabeen (Those who turn to rightfulness) 
Allah loves Mutahhareen (Those who keep their bodies free from filth) 
Allah loves Muttaqeen (Those who guard themselves against evil) 
Allah loves Sabireen (Being Patient) [3:146]
Allah loves Mutawakkileen (Those who put their trust in Allah) 
Allah loves Muqsiteen (Those who act equitably and justly)

True narration from the life of the messenger of Islam

Q: "I wish to be an intelligent man, what should I do?"   
A: "Fear Allah."

Q: "I wish to be a loyal servant to Allah and do what He wants     me to do." 
A. "Read the Qur'an."

Q: "I wish to be enlightened and have peace of heart." 
A. "Remember Death."

Q:"I wish to be protected against enemies." 
A: "Trust in Allah."

Q: "I wish to follow the Straight Path." 
A: "Do good to others for Allah’s sake." 

Q:"What should I do so that Allah does not abase me?" 
A: "Do not respond to the desires of your flesh."

Q: "I wish to have a long life." 
A: "Praise and thank Allah."

Q: "I wish for prosperity."

A: "Be in a state of ablution at all times." 

Q: "How can I save myself from the hellfire?"
A: "Protect your eyes and your tongue and your hands and what is below your waist line against evil."

Q: "How can I cleanse myself from my sins?"
A: "Shed tears for what you have done and repent by undoing what you have done wrong."

Q: "I wish to be a respectable person."
A: "Then, don’t ask for anything from anybody." 

Q: "I wish to be honorable."
A: "Then don’t divulge the wrong doings of anybody."

Q: "What should I do to protect myself from the tortures of the grave?" 
A: "Recite the Sûrah Mulk."

Q: "What should one do to be rich?" 
A: "Read the Sûrah Muzammil."

Q: "How should I calm my fear of the day of last judgment?." 
A: "Remember Allah before you eat anything and before you sleep."

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hinduism to Christianity to Islam

The following story is about a brother from Guyana who became a Muslim from being a Hindu and Christian Priest for 10 years. 

His current name is Ahmed Tabarani. He was born in a poor Hindu family in Guyana. However, he used to dislike worshipping statues since his childhood. As he grew up, he became connected with the local Church because they worshipped three divine beings (God, Jesus and Holy Spirit) rather than worshipping hundreds of idols. Eventually, he became a Christian and studied for many years to become a Christian priest. The Church hired him and paid for all his travelling and living expenses. His family became very pleased to see that because he became a Christian, their poverty was removed. As a result, the whole family became Christians. During the 10 years of serving as a Priest, he always used to wake up at night and meditate. He used to ask God to show him whether he was following the truth. In one such nights, he had a vision. He saw that three people dressed in white long throbes, wearing turban and beard are walking towards him and these people are to show him the true religion. After seeing this vision, many years passed by but he didn't see such a thing happening. But one day, a group of Muslims (part of Tabligh Jamah) visited a Masjid near his place to call people towards Allah. That afternoon, as he was going to the Church, he saw three of these Muslims are coming towards him. Immediately, he remembered his vision. These three Muslims resembled exactly what he saw in the vision. Then he approached them and asked what religion they follow. The Muslims told him about Islam and he became a Muslim on the spot and quit being a priest. Poverty again took over his family as he quit his job. All his family members, especially his mother, became angry at him for becoming a Muslim. But he said the following words to his mother, "Dear mother, I could give you a new pair of shoes, but they will become worn out. I could give you a new dress, but that too will become old and ripped. But I can give you something that will never finish. My mother, say 'There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.'" The mother was really touched by this statement and became a Muslim. Following her, everyone else in the family also became Muslims. For 15 years, Ahmed Tabarani is a practising Muslim serving Islam with his total energy. He is currently living in Canada. 

( Love for Muhammad PBUH is the basic teaching of Islam.)... Islam is not terrorism nor backwordness, but Islam is teachings of peace. "Ashadunna La illaha illallahu Wa Ashadunna Muhammadan Wa Rasuluhu." "I bear witness that there is no god, but Allah, and Muhammad is His Last Messenger."