Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Funny jokes about school kids - At home
A teacher comes to the home of one naughty kid:
- Is your mom at home?
- Nope, she’s not here,- says the naughty kid, quite scared.
- And your father?
- No, he has hidden away as well..

Funny school and student jokes - Quantum physics
Two students talk:
- What are you reading?
- Quantum physics theory book.
- but why are you reading it upside-down?
- It makes no difference anyway.

Funny school and student jokes - The first of September
The first of September, first lesson. Teacher:
- Please sit quietly, if you want to ask something - raise your hand.
Peter immediately raises his hand.
- You want to ask something?
- No. Just checking how the system works.

Funny school and student jokes - Music talent
Music teacher tells Peter:
- I warn you, if you will not behave, as appropriate, I tell your parents that you have a talent for music.

Funny school and student jokes - swear-words
Little Johnny returns from school and says:
- Mam, in school we write dirty swear-words so often!
- But I hope you are not writing them, my son.
- No, I'm dictating them!

Funny school and student jokes - Yawning
During a lesson little Johnny yawns extremely wide.
Teacher tries to make a joke:
- Johnny, don't swallow me.
He replies:
- Don't worry, teacher, I don't eat pork.

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